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100 Things I am Grateful For

Everything starts with gratitude. Want a catalyst to feel happier? Practise gratitude for all that you currently already have and the rest will come.

Sharing my list of 100 things I am grateful for right now, to encourage and inspire you to write out your own list and really feel into and connect with the feeling of appreciation.

1. Being able to work from anywhere, literally, ANYWHERE (well, that I can get signal)

2. The genuine support and interest I have received from people about my new venture (I see you, I appreciate you too ya bunch of babes!)

3. The unconditional love I receive from both parents who want the best for me

4. Living in such a fucking breath takingly stunning city as Edinburgh, where it literally has it all. I can deal with the summers not being as hot as a lot of other places, because what it lacks in weather from time to time, it makes up for in pretty much every other area (apart from how we’re governed…)

5. Learning to not be so hard on myself and removing pressures

6. Laughter, loads and loads of laughter

7. Family (no list would ever be complete without)

8. Every single stitch of clothing I have (appreciating outfit repeating in my older years)

9. Every difficulty and hardship I have faced, as they have taught me valuable lessons and got me to this moment right now; exactly where I’m supposed to be

10. Meeting Will at exactly the right time and the life we are going to build together. Makes me completely realise why other situations didn’t work out (all about dat mush now, don’t @ me)

11. All the dancefloors I have shared with friends and total strangers

12. Getting my coil out (goodbye agonising periods)

13. Losing my obsession with my body looking a certain way and replacing it with unconditional love for what it does and how it feels

14. Being able to share the gifts I have to offer with other people

15. The freedom I have been experiencing from the inside out

16. My mum for allowing me to live with her (on the couch) rent free, allowing me to quit my 9-5 and pursue my dreams

17. Having a comfy big bed to sleep in for the next 4 weeks! (no offensive couch, will see you soon babe x)

18. The first 21 years of my life that I was blessed to have spent with my loving, caring, kind, generous, funny, cute and all round fucking amazing Granny (miss you so much)

19. The refocus and clarity that the pandemic has given me. Completely appreciate that not everyone has had a pleasant experience in these trying times, but I’m not going to feel guilty for saying that it has been great for me in so many ways. I hope others can find peace and acceptance in the situation we’re in

20. The fact that we are one day closer to the pandemic being over (every single day)

21. To have a group of not only stunning but sound as fuck friends who are there for me when I need them, support me, help me and love me no matter what

22. Chocolate – AAF NMW FTW IDST

23. A new perspective of my reality

24. Genuine and real connections I have made with so many amazing people this year

25. That me and those I care about are all safe and well

26. Being around two children who are allowing my inner child to come out and play (let them out folks, you’ll thank me later)

27. The autumn sun (and any sun for that matter)

28. Discovering coaching; coaching other people and changing their lives, and being coached myself and watching my life change (no sales pitch, just cold hard facts bro)

29. My dad and step mum for allowing me to take time out for 4 weeks to stay with them in France

30. The training, teachings and community I have gained from Mindful Talent Coaching Academy. Completely invaluable

31. MacDonald's chicken nuggets

32. Space held for me to think for myself

33. My newfound and loved sobriety and all the benefits I am experiencing (whether you believe me or not, there are countless)

34. The changing of the seasons; darker nights, colder climates, cosiness. I love experiencing and embracing it all (weirdo? Maybe. Accepting of all that is? Yup. It makes life all that bit easier and sweeter)

35. The lessons and skills I learned from working in corporate for 10 years

36. The NHS; the work they do and the fact that we are lucky enough to receive free healthcare (long may it continue!)

37. Fresh crips mountain air (ahhhhh)

38. Healing energy of crystals

39. All the doggos I am lucky enough to meet most days (dog obsessed, I even get emotional)

40. Cameron Murdoch (anyone who knows, knows.)

41. Being fully supported by the universe and the guidance that it gives me through signs and synchronicities

42. Going to bed at night with a full belly

43. This physical body, how it can move and gets me to where I need to get to

44. The beauty that I am constantly surrounded by wherever I go because I choose to see it

45. The realisation that I am not my thoughts

46. Utilising and understanding the breath and the powerful effects it has on us (highly recommend looking into breathing exercises)

47. The pure joy that some TV programmes give me (looking at you Drag Race, Bake Off and Modern Family)

48. The opportunities to try new things. Feeling that fear and doing it anyway!

49. That no matter what, everything is always working out for me (and it is for you too when you open yourself up to receiving it)

50. Discovering new veggie based meals whilst trying to be more conscious of my meat consumption (no labels here, I just eat)

51. Music. Everything about it. How it makes me feel, how it brings me together with me, the memories it evokes

52. The fact that we can (kind of) move about freely again (I’ll take whatever we can get)

53. People who call me out on my BS and encourage me to be the best that I can

54. That I get to help people. GET TO. I have that complete gift and can gift it to others (not just for Christmas)

55. Seeing more positivity and realness on social media (not just the highlights)

56. Playing games and making puzzles with Benni and watching as he grows and develops

57. Getting to hold, cuddle and make Freddi laugh (is there ANY better noise than the sound of a baby laughing? I think not!)

58. Running water, hot or cold, I’m no fussy!

59. Anyone who has taken the time and effort to read through this list (you’re a special kind of human and I hope you’ve been inspired)

60. Hearing that I have made a difference in someone’s life (literally nae better feeling, best high ever)

61. My meditation practise (it may not always be perfect but it’s always there and always grounding)

62. The patience that my driving instructor has with me (he’s had to dig deep. Mark my words, the third time is a sure pass)

63. Being able to spend time and connect with my mum

64. Having the time to try new things, discover new passions and hobbies (and equally the thing I don’t enjoy!)

65. 1:1 coaching with Natasha Hawtrey-Woore, I have already gained so much in such a short space of time

66. The person that I was before, without her, I wouldn’t be who am I now and where I’m supposed to be

67. Green space (are you old when you are totally appreciate and in awe of grass?)

68. Each brand new day that I am gifted with. We take for granted this luxury as not everyone is as fortunate

69. Having so much information at my disposal to continue to learn everyday, through books, the internet and just chatting with people

70. The wee sparks of creativity I get and the pure joy it brings me (I used to be so creative when I was a child and so happy to be rediscovering this now)

71. Colour, just so much colour everywhere

72. My intuition and all that it provides me (not failed me yet!)

73. The love that I now show myself (as someone who used to strongly dislike so much about myself, this is huge and I’m so proud)

74. For all this last year has taught me and continues to

75. My accountability buddy

76. My new found love and comfort in being alone (before if I was alone with my thoughts, things got dark)

77. The sound of birds chirping in the morning (even the seagulls bring about a sense of peace. No when they’re trying to chore your food)

78. Generally having more acceptance

79. The hard work and dedication I have shown myself

80. Boundaries and realising the importance of setting and maintaining them (game changer!)

81. The fact that me and Will love so many of the same things (we’ve both found our match in quoting The Simpsons and love for all things food and dog related)

82. The fact that it’s almost Christmas!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

83. My beliefs

84. Speaking and learning from so many interesting and inspiring people that I perhaps wouldn’t have had the opportunity to

85. Having fun, fun and more fun (no1 priority)

86. The fact that there is so many alcohol free alternatives in shops and bars

87. Knowing what my talents and skills are and utilising them for myself and others

88. Everyone who is currently making or wants to make an impact in the world (you are fucking class)

89. How good gratitude makes me feel and actually taking the time to make this list

90. Time away from my phone and online cyber life in general

91. Being so lucky to have spent all the time I did with Elton (the dog, not the Sir)

92. All the time spent living at Loaning Road in general (5.5 years to be exact!)

93. Being so fortunate to have been on so many amazing holidays, festivals, weekends away, nights out and shared these experiences with equally amazing people

94. My health

95. Random acts of kindness from strangers (the more I partake in this activity myself, the more I experience it)

96. All the little things that make me smile throughout each day

97. Always having a roof over my head

98. Knowing that I am never ever alone as I am constantly surrounded by loving and caring people

99. Generosity that I experience so frequently from everyone around me

100. Just generally being alive. A complete gift that I will never take for granted ever again

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